
Published on May 16, 2016 by doobom

01v96 bd-s2900 demo dme24ndme64n dme4io-c ethernet imx644 ls9 m7cl macro midi rs232 yamaha about-macro 雅马哈

0 min READ

从 雅马哈(Yamaha) 官网挖来的,包含如下设备(括号内是通讯方式):

01V96 (MIDI) LS9 (MIDI) M7CL (MIDI) DME24N/DME64N (RS-232) DME4io-C (Ethernet) IMX644 (RS-232) BD-S2900 Blu-ray player (RS-232)

MIDI 控制可能需要第三方的一些设备:

Kenton Electronics THRU-5 MIDI thru device Kenton Electronics MERGE-4 5 MIDI merge device


YamahaCA_Crestron_ExampleV1.0_Programming.zip SIMPL Windows files for compiling and uploading to the processor. Written for PRO2. YamahaCA_Crestron_ExampleV1.0_TP.zip Files for uploading to the touch panel. Written for TPS-12W. Also supports an XPanel. YamahaCA_Crestron_ExampleV1.0_DynamicContentRev1.2.zip Language and image files. Transfer using File Manager in the Toolbox application to the processor. YamahaCA_Crestron_ExampleV1.0_YamahaDevices.zip Studio manager files for mixers, and configuration files for DME processors and IMX644 installation mixer. YamahaCA_Crestron_ExampleV1.0_SetupGuide.pdf


文件下载: 360 网盘:https://yunpan.cn/cSZavx4bizZxu 提取码 9fcf

百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sl8BarV 密码:930k
